Julie Murdock, close-up
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I'm a lifelong writer, with a journalism degree and a career in technology marketing. The digital content I've created helps companies and governments figure out which software to buy to run their businesses. I’ve written about topics like asset lifecycle management in the utility industry and revenue optimization for hospitality entities. 

I’m pretty sure that’s not why you’re here, though. 

The experiences beyond my professional life and in my imagination are where I mine material for my fiction writing. 

As a feminist, I vowed to raise daughters that were strong and self-sufficient. Guess what? I was blessed with four sons. Somebody, somewhere, has a sense of humor. So instead I’ve taught my sons to appreciate, and raise, strong, self-sufficient women themselves. I’ve also had the opportunity to see up close how the world looks through male eyes. Side bonus: raising sons is an experience that will constantly remind anyone to see the humor in life. 

Perhaps you’ve been through job loss, the ending of a long marriage, the loss of loved ones, or financial upheaval. Me too—and throw in a stint with a sociopath, just for fun.

But, like me, I hope you also have seen intriguing places, enjoyed the support of a loving inner circle, experienced a resurgence, and found a niche that brings you joy. 

Thanks for visiting. I’m glad you’re here.

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“I loved the unexpected turn in plot wherein the narrator's rage is ignited, which then leads her to defend herself in a thrilling manner. The ending is fantastic, as is the title.”

— Judge’s feedback, Let Me Help You with Your Medicine (thriller)